Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the day the world ended: an altered book

the day the world ended: an altered bookthe day the world ended: an altered book 2the day the world ended: an altered book 3the day the world ended: an altered book 4the day the world ended: an altered book 5the day the world ended: an altered book 6
the day the world ended: an altered book 7the day the world ended: an altered book 8the day the world ended: an altered book 9the day the world ended: an altered book10the day the world ended: an altered book 11the day the world ended: an altered book 12
the day the world ended: an altered book 13the day the world ended: an altered book 14the day the world ended: an altered book 15the day the world ended: an altered book 16the day the world ended: an altered book 17the day the world ended: an altered book 18
the day the world ended: an altered book 19the day the world ended: an altered book 20the day the world ended: an altered book 21the day the world ended: an altered book 22the day the world ended: an altered book 23the day the world ended: an altered book 24

Via Flickr:
the day the world ended - an altered book

this 7.5 foot accordion notebook consists of:

vintage magazines
circa 1940s
circa 1950s
circa 1860s
national geographic 1972

vintage books
circa 1950s
circa 1960s
circa 1870s
circa 1793
encyclopedia britannica circa 1880s
new ideas in magic circa 1904
marbled book ends circa 1870
trinidad postage circa 1900
kurt vonnegut's cat's cradle circa 1979
college notes 1934
map circa 1915
rubber stamps

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